Friday, May 9, 2008

The Archbishop's Cathedra

What makes a good Bishop?
1. Promotes fidelity to the teachings of Holy Mother Church.
2. Promotes Eucharistic Adoration.
3. Promotes Vocations to the Priesthood, religious life and Holy Matrimony.
4. Promotes the protection of life from conception to natural death.
5. Promotes the true authentic beauty of traditional ecclesial art, sacred music and traditional architecture.
6. Preaches the fullness of our faith.
7. Promotes devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
8. Promotes beautiful liturgies in both the Ordinary and Exraordinary forms of the Roman Rite.
9. Ability to correct parishes that are not in line with Church teachings.
10. Is not afraid of persecution.
Oh Lord we the people of your flock in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, pray that our new Shepherd Archbishop John Niensted, is given the strength and courage to lead us along the narrow road which leads to everlasting life in Heaven.

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